Source code for

"""Functions for downloading items from airtable."""
import base64
import lzma
from hashlib import md5
import airtable
import requests
from airtable_local_backup import common

# change this to inherit from the airtable.Airtable object
[docs]class DownloadTable(object): """ Downloads all data from a table including atachments. :param base_key: base id from airtable api url (starts 'app') :param table_name: the table name to download :param api_key: the airtable api key. If an environment variable 'AIRTABLE_API_KEY' is set this is not required. :param compression: whether to compress attachment data :param fields: Store the field :param discard_attach: if true, attachment data will not be downloaded, url and other info will be preservered """ def __init__(self, base_key, table_name, api_key=None, progress=False, compression=True, fields=dict(), discard_attach=False): self.base_key = base_key self.table_name = table_name self.api_key = api_key self.compression = compression self.fields = fields self.discard_attach = discard_attach
[docs] def download(self): """ Download the data in the table. :return: A generator that will download each item in the table as it is iterated based on the options configured. """ table = airtable.Airtable(base_key=self.base_key, api_key=self.api_key, table_name=self.table_name) table_data = table.get_all() # possibly discretize loop into its own function for record in table_data: # newrecords.append(extract_record(record)) newdata = {} for key, value in record['fields'].items(): if key not in self.fields: self.fields[key] = 'Unknown' if list(common._findkeys(value, 'url')) \ and not self.discard_attach: filedata = [] for item in value: fileinfo = _get_attach(item['filename'], item['url'], self.compression) filedata.append(fileinfo) newdata[key] = filedata else: newdata[key] = value yield newdata
def _get_attach(filename, url, compression): download = requests.get(url) filehash = md5(download.content).hexdigest() if compression: data = lzma.compress(download.content) else: data = download.content encoded = base64.b64encode(data) return { 'filename': filename, 'data': encoded.decode('utf-8'), 'compressed': compression, 'md5hash': str(filehash) }