Source code for airtable_local_backup.file_io

import os
import json
import re
from fs.copy import copy_fs
from fs.errors import ResourceNotFound, FileExists, DirectoryExists

def _normalize(name):
    """Clean up the names."""
    if name is None:
        return None
    clean = re.sub(r'[-_/\s]+', '_', name.strip())
    return clean.lower()

def _make_file_name(tablename, prefix, suffix):
    return prefix + _normalize(tablename) + suffix + '.json'

[docs]def write_to_file(downloadtable, tmpfs, prefix='', suffix=''): """ Write out the table data to a file. :param downloadtable: A `download.DownloadTable` object for the table to be saved :param tmpfs: the temporary filesystem (from pyfilesystem2) to write the file to. :param prefix: A prefix for a the file name. include a / for directories :param suffix: A suffix to append to the file name """ data = list( filename = _make_file_name(downloadtable.table_name, prefix, suffix) if '/' in prefix: tmpfs.makedir(prefix) tagged_data = { 'table_name': downloadtable.table_name, 'fields': downloadtable.fields, 'data': data } with, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(tagged_data, outfile, indent=2)
[docs]def join_files(tmpfs, outfs): """ Join the backup json files into a single package (tarball, zip). :param tmpfs: the temporary fs where the backup is stored. :param outfs: the filesystem to copy to (should be `TarFS` or `ZipFS`). things like compression and encoding should be specified at instantiation. """ copy_fs(tmpfs, outfs) outfs.close()
[docs]def write_out_backup(backing_store_fs, *, filepath=None, filesystem=None, prefix=''): """ Write the backup data to its final location. A backing store is required and either a filepath to the packaged backup or the tmp filesystem is required. :param required backing_store_fs: a pyfilesystem2 object to be the final storage location of the backup. (should be `OSFS`, `S3FS`, `FTPFS`, etc.) Can be a single object or list of filesystem objects for copying to multiple backing stores. :param filepath: path to the zip or tar file containing the backup data (if desired). Can be a path object or str. :param filesystem: the `TmpFS` containing the backup data. :param prefix: a parent directory for the files to be saved under. This is can be a good place to encode some information about the backup. A slash will be appended to the prefix to create a directory or pseudo-directory structure. """ if prefix and not prefix[-1] == '/': prefix = prefix + '/' if not isinstance(backing_store_fs, list): backing_store_fs = [backing_store_fs] if filepath: name = os.path.basename(filepath) for backing_fs in backing_store_fs: # read outfile directly from infile # if not backing_fs. try: backing_fs.makedir(prefix) except DirectoryExists: pass with + name, 'wb') as outfile: with open(filepath, 'rb') as infile: outfile.write( elif filesystem: for backing_fs in backing_store_fs: if prefix: try: backing_fs.opendir(prefix) except ResourceNotFound: backing_fs.makedir(prefix) copy_fs(filesystem, backing_fs.opendir(prefix)) else: copy_fs(filesystem, backing_fs) else: raise AttributeError("filepath or filesystem is required.")