Source code for airtable_local_backup.runner

import datetime
import os

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import fs
from fs import tempfs
from fs import tarfs
from fs import zipfs
from fs.errors import CreateFailed
from fs_s3fs import S3FS

from .download import DownloadTable
from . import file_io
from . import exceptions
from . import __docurl__

[docs]class Runner(object): """ This class handles orchestration of downloading and storing the backup. Options are set in a yaml configuration file. There is an :download:`example <./sample-config.yaml>` you can use as a starting point. :param path: (required) absolute path to the file on the system or relative to the FS object supplied in the filesystem parameter :param filesystem: (keyword only) a pyfilesystem2 FS object where the yaml config file is located. """ def __init__(self, path, *, filesystem=None): yaml = YAML() if not filesystem: filesystem = fs.open_fs('/') with, 'r') as configfile: self.config = yaml.load(configfile) self.tmp = tempfs.TempFS() def _create_backup_tables(self): for table in self.config['Tables']: try: base = _get_from_env(self.config['Airtable Base Key']) api_key = _get_from_env(self.config['Airtable API Key']) yield DownloadTable( base_key=base, table_name=table['Name'], api_key=api_key, compression=self.config['Attachments']['Compress'], fields=table.get('Fields', dict()), discard_attach=self.config['Attachments']['Discard'], ) except KeyError as err: _config_error(err) def _save_tables(self): for table in self._create_backup_tables(): file_io.write_to_file(table, self.tmp) def _package(self, outfile): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile), exist_ok=True) if self.config['Store As']['Type'].lower() == 'tar': savefs = tarfs.TarFS( outfile, write=True, compression=self.config['Store As']['Compression'] ) elif self.config['Store As']['Type'].lower() == 'zip': savefs = zipfs.ZipFS(outfile) else: _config_error("Store AS: Type is invalid") file_io.join_files(self.tmp, savefs) def backup(self): """ Using the configuration from the file, create the backup. :return: None """ self._save_tables() outfile = None try: if self.config['Store As']['Type'] != 'files': outfile = self.config['Store As']['Path'] self._package(outfile) except KeyError as err: _config_error(err) try: outfs = self._configure_backing_store() prefix = self.config['Backing Store'].get('Prefix', '') if self.config['Backing Store'].get('Date', False): date = if prefix: prefix = date + '-' + prefix else: prefix = date except KeyError as err: _config_error(err) if outfile: file_io.write_out_backup( backing_store_fs=outfs, filepath=outfile, prefix=prefix, ) else: file_io.write_out_backup( backing_store_fs=outfs, filesystem=self.tmp, prefix=prefix ) def _configure_backing_store(self): try: bs = self.config['Backing Store'] if 'Type' in bs: for key, item in bs.items(): bs[key] = _get_from_env(item) if bs['Type'].lower() == 's3': return S3FS( bs['Bucket'], strict=False, aws_access_key_id=bs.get('Key ID', None), aws_secret_access_key=bs.get('Secret Key', None), endpoint_url=bs.get('Endpoint URL', None) ) else: return fs.open_fs(bs['URI'], create=True) except (KeyError, OSError, CreateFailed) as err: _config_error(err)
def _config_error(err=''): raise exceptions.ConfigurationError( "Options are missing in the configuration file. " f"Please consult the docs at {__docurl__}.\n" f"{err}") def _get_from_env(item): if item is None: return None try: if item[0] == '$': return os.environ[item[1:]] except TypeError: pass return item